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How To Live a "DesignerLife"

in the Midst of Chaos!

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Get in touch with your true, core self and the wisdom of your intuition, so you’re able to discover your purpose. Notice opportunities that you otherwise might have missed and avoid obstacles that blocked you in the past.

Meet Petra Nicoll


With over twenty-five years of experience as an Author, Speaker, Workshop/Seminar Leader, Life Coach and Biofeedback Specialist, Petra has worked with many clients from all over the world to help release their self-limiting believe systems and pick up their dreams. She uses a variety of techniques i.e. 7-Insights Technique, Sacred Contract, Biofeedback, Emotional Processing "Golden Light Meditation" and empowers people to trust their intuition and truly embrace the life they deserve. Petra Nicoll is an International Bestselling Author whose first book, Petra’s Ashes "A Transcendental Journey", was hailed as a “spellbinding memoir about her near-death experience and the spiritual journey that followed.”
She co-authored The Big Secret with Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul Series) and is published in the anthology Life Sparks: Life Stories to Illuminate, Inspire and Ignite.

Her first novel, The Billionaire Trilogy (Full Disclosure, Soulmates, and The Continuum, ) is a continuation of the big questions in her life, about power, corruption, greed, love, sacrifice, good vs. evil, human trafficking, and of course, the afterlife!

Image by Pablo Heimplatz
Talk Topics

Talk Topics

How To Live a "DesignerLife” in the Midst of Chaos! 

Living a DesignerLife means different things to different people.

When you think about what it means to live your best life, what immediately comes to mind?


Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on. When you feel badly, you are on the frequency of drawing bad things to you.

When you are feeling good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you.

If your life isn’t completely in alignment with what you would like to experience and you are serious about making a commitment to yourself to embrace this truth, then you have come to a door that once entered, your life will transform in ways you cannot imagine.


We all want to live a more comfortable Life to our hearts desire.


Whether that is through more travel, relationship, the perfect house, job or whatever it is you wish to create. 

  • How can we know what we want if we have never had it.  

  • How do we relate to our dream if the dream is far away


What is a Designer Life for you? I will help you figure out what that looks like we 


  • How we sabotage ourselves

  • Second guess ourselves

  • Don’t feel we deserve it

  • Set limitations 

  • Let others talk you out of it

  • Find excuses

  • Afraid to fail 



Quantum Transformation "The Seven Insights"!

Our real journey as humans is to become conscious co-creators of the divine plan.


Through “The Seven Insights" and "Golden Light Meditation” we are able to change our frequency and become more aware of our feelings and emotions..

Thoughts have energy that attract like energy.


The First Insight: Law of Attraction
"What you have become is the result of what you have thought"
- Gautama Buddha

The Second Insight: Paradigms
“To ignore the Insight of Paradigms to influence
your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future. To be able to shape your future, you have to be ready
and able to change your paradigm.”
- Joel Arthur Barker

The Third Insight: Partnerships
"The greatest danger for most of us is not
that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low
and we reach it."

The Fourth Insight: Giving and Receiving
Giving and Receiving are two sides of the same coin.
- Wayne Dyer


The Fifth insight: Vision
If you can image it, you can realize it
- Walt Disney

The Sixth Insight: Gratitude
“Gratitude is the mother of all virtues.”
- Marcus Cicero

“By their fruits, you shall know them.”
—Ancient Text
“Results tell an interesting story, they tell the true story.”
—Bob Proctor

How to Write a Book in 48 Hours?How is it possible to write a book in 48 hours?

I’ve recently been hearing about publishing coaches who offer to help people write a book in only 48 hours. Intrigued I looked into this further and am surprised to find this really is a trend. However, having written, published, co-authored, and developed five quality books in the last 5 years I can honestly tell you that there is a process, and it’s a reasonably lengthy one.

Significantly longer and more complex than what can be achieved in under a week.

How long does it REALLY take to write a book?

Well, some would argue that you can simply write a book by planning a few sexy chapter headings, dictate your material then give it to a publisher. That does sound like a very good shortcut way to become an author. However, the reality is that getting your content out of your head is only a small part of the process.

For a start, there are LOTS of barely average books hitting the market every day. Millions of new titles are being released every year. If your book is going to even see the light of day, it has to be good. Your content has to be far better than average, well edited and reader-friendly. Without these boxes ticked, there’s a very high chance that your book might even do the opposite of promoting you positively to your market.

Sitting at a lake at sunset



Petra Nicoll is the best mentor/coach I've ever had in any business environment – whether it's finance, wealth building or leadership development, she has a business acumen and intuition that surprises me daily. I consider myself very lucky to call her both a good friend and colleague.

Vince Panero


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